A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old into the new. These were the much-quoted words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, on attaining independence in 1947.
We at Kaveri Seeds have arrived at one such moment. Establishing ‘Kaveri University’ has been my dream—to offer quality education and promote multidisciplinary fundamental and applied research at par with international standards of excellence to the thousands of talented youngsters in our country. This world-class institution is expected to cater to the emerging human resource and technology needs of the agroindustry and farming community.
The greatest strength of Kaveri University is its learner-friendly academic ambience that encourages holistic education and self-learning, augmented with real-life professional skills and technical acumen. The spacious, air-conditioned e-classrooms, state-of-the-art lab infrastructure, student-focused innovative degree programs, vibrant and industry-ready curricula, innovative teaching and educational models that are skewed towards data analytics, practicals including experiential learning activities, strong industry connections, interactions, and an entrepreneurship culture have all been put in place to enable the all-round development of the students. We intend to prepare our students to succeed in a highly competitive professional environment in the global workspace.
Mega trends observed these days include growing demographic and income trends, higher and diverse food consumption patterns, climate change, rising food losses and waste, declining natural resources, technological innovation, and inevitable interconnectedness, all of which will have profound implications for Indian and global lifestyles, agricultural landscapes, farming communities, society, and the economy at large. Hence, ‘Kaveri University’ has a greater responsibility to build a generation of exceptional individuals to harness emerging mega trends and opportunities while managing key uncertainties and risks to make a smaller or greater contribution towards sustainable food systems and the growth of the country. We should draw inspiration from the words of Jawaharlal Nehru: “The achievement we celebrate today, establishing it, is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us.” Let this be our guiding light!
Kaveri University was established as per the Telangana Private Universities (Establishment & Regulation) Act, 2018 under section 3.