Professor Babu, is a doctorate from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Equipped with nuclear techniques and employing radioisotopes, he specialised in secondary and micronutrients’ fertilizer use efficiencies in crops and cropping sequences. He was one of the earlier workers in the country to work on heavy metal entry and its effect on crops. He worked for innovative approaches to use remotely sensed data for application of wasteland development and reclamation of salt-affected soils with the help of GIS. He was also a faculty to acquire GLP in private sector in early 1990s. Dr. Surendra Babu worked for about 3 decades researching for fertilizer requirement for upland and low land crops both with and without isotopes, monitoring of pollution status and entry of toxic metals into food chain in river tracts and around industrial units, reporting the high-P status of soils, micronutrient fortification across crops, developing approaches for site-specific nutrient management for crops under fragmented land holding conditions etc, to find better solutions for these agricultural issues. He has led the team to successfully develop soil fertility maps and fertilizer usage packages to crops at mandal level for all the districts of Telangana. He was an expert member of several soil, fertilizer, soil testing laboratories and organic farming committees. Dr. P. Surendra Babu’s current interests are to teach undergraduate students, to work in the fields of plastic pollution & its entry into food chain and variable rate fertilizer application to crops.
Kaveri University was established as per the Telangana Private Universities (Establishment & Regulation) Act, 2018 under section 3.