Dr. B. Joseph

Dr. B. Joseph

Dr. B. Joseph was a Senior Professor in Agronomy discipline at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad, for 4 decades. Currently he is working as a Professor of Agronomy at College of Agriculture, Kaveri University, Gouraram, Siddipet district. Earlier, after serving at PJTSAU, he worked at various institutions such as Kondalaxman State Horticultural University, Mallareddy University and Guru Nanak University, Hyderabad. His professional career includes Teaching, Research and Extension in the field of Agronomy, Farm Forestry, Agroforestry, Afforestation of wastelands, Avenue plantation and Watershed management. His initiative of  designing and establishing orchards in more than 500 acres of land around Hyderabad involved actively establishing landscaping gardens in many educational institutions in Telangana State. He has been given Life Time Achievement Award for the services done in the discipline of Agronomy during 2021-22. He is responsible for development of models of Agroforestry suitable for semi-arid regions of A.P and Telangana states. He participated in 20 National and International conferences and visited China for a research paper presentation. He conducted 10 training programmes for farmers benefit. He was PI and Co-PI, for 8 Afforestation Projects awarded by GOI. He is a PI for 3 Medicinal and Aromatic plants – Small Nursery Raising Projects sanctioned by National Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi. He is a resource person in disseminating agriculture – Agronomy & Horticulture, plantations establishment information to the farmers of two different states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh.

Kaveri University was established as per the Telangana Private Universities (Establishment & Regulation) Act, 2018 under section 3.

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