Dr. APK Reddy is the Dean of the College of Agriculture at Kaveri University since 1st July, 2024. He has thirty eight years of experience in teaching, research, extension and administration. He has served as Dean of Agriculture, ANGRAU, Guntur (AP) for 3 years before retirement. Dr. Reddy has contributed 82 research publications and several popular articles in renowned journals. He has CoAuthored two textbooks in Agronomy. He has guided 12 M.Sc. (Ag.) students and 6 Ph.D. students as major advisor. His research interests primarily include Cropping Systems, Nutrient Management, and Dryland Agriculture.
In addition to his academic contributions, Dr. Reddy is an external examiner for several state agricultural universities. He is the recipient of the Meritorious Teacher Award from ANGRAU in 2008 and the Rythu Bandhu Award in 2014. Dr. Reddy is a renowned Professor and Agronomist, recognized across agricultural universities in India.
Kaveri University was established as per the Telangana Private Universities (Establishment & Regulation) Act, 2018 under section 3.