Our Board of Governors comprises, outstanding business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals from the corporate world, government sector, academia and the development sector. Their vision, knowledge, and leadership are invaluable in guiding the university as we strive towards becoming a globally recognised agrifood and agribusiness management institution. The Governing Body shall be the overarching supervisory and statutory Authority of the University. The Governing Body of the University shall consist of at least six members including the following members
Our Board of Management (BOM) comprises, outstanding and reputed academicians, entrepreneurs and professionals from ICAR, CGA, reputed international universities, the corporate world, govemment sector, academia and the development sector. Their knowledge, experience and leadership are invaluable in guiding the university as we strive towards becoming a globally recognized agrifood and agribusiness management institution. The Vice-Chancellor shall be Ex-officio Chairman of the Board, and shall conduct the meetings of the Board in accordance with the statutes made in that behalf. The Board of Management shall consist of 8 to 12 members. The following members are the part of the current BOM
Kaveri University was established as per the Telangana Private Universities (Establishment & Regulation) Act, 2018 under section 3.